12 Facts About Breastfeeding Every Expecting Mother Should Know
If you’re pregnant and planning on breastfeeding your baby, you might have some questions about what to expect. It’s only natural. But so is breastfeeding. From protecting the health of your baby to increasing your bond to saving your family money, breastfeeding has many amazing benefits. Here are a just few breastfeeding facts that every expecting mother should know…
1. Breast milk is all your newborn needs to eat. Your milk has exactly the right balance of calories, and nutrients, and water to help your baby grow. It is easier for babies to digest than formula. And giving babies baby food or formula during the first 4-6 months can prevent them from getting the nutrients they need from breast milk.
2. Your body knows when to make more milk. Every time your baby nurses, your body gets a signal to make more milk. When your baby gets cereal or formula instead of breast milk, your body misses out on that signal. Without that signal, your body will start to make less milk.
3. At first, your milk will be yellow. This is called colostrum (“coh-LOSS-trum”), and it’s very good for your baby. Your regular milk will come in after a couple of days, and your breasts will feel full.
4. Breastfeeding is not always easy. Almost all moms need help, especially at first. With a little practice, it does get easier over time. VCC’s weekly breastfeeding group is a great place to get advice from health professionals and other moms. Call us today for more information: (844) 308-5003.
5. By pumping and storing milk, you can arrange for your baby to be fed at times you are at work or someplace else.
6. Breastfeeding increases the bond between mother and child. It’s the perfect way for a new mother and her baby to be close and get to know each other.
7. Breast milk helps protect your baby from germs and disease Babies who are breastfed are often healthier than babies who aren’t. Giving your baby only breast milk for the first 6 months can help lower your baby’s risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS).
8. Breastfeeding can help to save your family thousands of dollars on formula.
9. Breastfeeding burns calories and may help you lose some of your pregnancy weight.
10. Studies have shown that breastfeeding may help lower your risk of diabetes, depression, and some types of breast and ovarian cancers.
11. By law, health insurance plans must cover the cost of breastfeeding counseling and supplies for pregnant and nursing women. If you are uninsured, there are many resources available to assist you.
12. The best place to start is with help from a breastfeeding specialist. At Vista Community Clinic (VCC), we have lactation (breastfeeding) experts to answer all your questions and help you get started.
Call now for immediate assistance!
(844) 308-5003
The medical information contained on this article is general in nature and is not intended or implied to be a substitute for the advice, diagnosis or treatment provided by your own physician or a qualified healthcare provider. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or disease without consulting with your own physician or a qualified healthcare provider. Although every effort is made to ensure the information provided is accurate and timely, it is provided for convenience and should not be considered official.